Friday, March 28, 2008

American Idol Fans

How about those American Idol contestants?! Only 9 left now! This is my and hubby's absolute favorite show. As I was loading some of the contestants music today to my Playlist, I noticed what a difference it made to just sit and listen to their voice, without taking their looks into consideration. I think it changes my whole opinion on who should win. And who would that be, you ask? Well, I'm not telling for now. But Carly Simon was one of my absolute favorite artists back in the 70's! LOL!

If you scroll down to the bottom, my music Playlist has 3 of the Idol's tracks ~ that's all I could find that was working today. Next week Dolly Parton will mentor the idols ~ that should be really entertaining!

Well, hubby's home early today to start his one week vacation next week! A whole week off, it's his first vacation in about 3 years. The first thing he asked me when he came through the door was "So what's on my honey-do list?" What a keeper, huh?


1 comment:

Kimmie said...

Hi Mary!
Oh I love this post! How nice you made it up. I LOVE AI also! I also have a few favorites. I too loved Carly Simon back in the day. I loved to sing her songs.

Your blog looks beautiful! Your sis is doing an awesome job on her needle punching. Wow! Love them all.

Come visit me, I have a funny on my post for today...I think you will get a real giggle out of it!
