Monday, August 13, 2007

My Blog Spot ~ New Today!

Good Day!
I've decided to start a Blog and see where it leads...

Everybody's "doin' it", so why not! It will be a couple of weeks before I can devote a good chunk of time to tweak the site, add some interesting photos and my artist group affiliations. Please do come back and check on what's new!


Gollywobbles said...

Mary ~ Amazing beginning! Wait til it all starts coming together for you! I think your graphics are stunning, and I don't think you will regret this. Best of luck to you, and I will check back often. ~Sam / AB4B

Ranay said...

What a wonderful thing to happen to a Tupper Laker. My parents were boren and rasied in Tupper, both being born in the 20's also. I really like what you have created and will look for you on ebay! Good Luck.
