Looking for a take-a-long project recently, I picked an old crewel project back up ~ a 1980 kit from Erica Wilson called "English Garden". I'm hoping with another couple days worth of stitching, it will be ready for framing. I was showing my progress to my sister over the weekend, and she commented that crewel work has seemed to decline in popularity. I have always loved this design and am looking forward to finally getting it finished!

Click on the image and it will take you to Photobucket to view in a larger or high resolution size to see more detail. You have to roll your cursor over the top of the photo though for the "zoom" menu to show up.
'Til next time,
Way to go............I will be happy for you. XO MARY
WOW - there are so many different & wonderful stitches in this piece!
Your sister is right - sadly this type of needle art has begun to fade away. I'm glad to see you took this up again! It's going to be a masterpiece when finished!
That is soooo pretty, Mary!`
I love having projects to take with me. Of course with the little guy, I don't have two seconds to focus on anything but his misadventures... LOL! But someday I'll grab my bag of fabric and threads again when I head out the door :)
I can't wait to see it when it's all done.
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