There are sure signs that Spring is just around the corner ~ Joe Biden gave a news conference last week with ashes on his forehead (marking the advent of the Easter season on Ash Wednesday), AND, I just spotted the crocuses coming up in the back yard today!
Spring, a time for new beginnings...It's keeping me hopeful about the new career change I have been pursuing. I just finished my first classroom class, "Medical Physician Practice Clerk", with the final week spent doing "clinicals" as they call it. It's also called an internship or externship, but involved working for free at a medical practice. My work hours were 9-5, with an hour for lunch ~ a pretty easy schedule compared to my previous career which involved many a 14 hour day, often 7 days a week. It was a nice, newer facility, located about 5 minutes from my house. All the hardworking, dedicated ladies that worked there were very nice to me, and the week flew by.
Traveler's Rest Family Medicine participates in the internship program as part of Greenville Hospital System, who has a lot of input with Greenville Tech on this medical program I am taking. Up next is my Certified Medical Office Manager class which starts on March 15th...and a ton more on-line classes I have yet to finish. I should be done by July of this year.
Other goings on? We're working on stocking up on next year's firewood. Last weekend was so mild and sunny that hubby and I split,(actually hubby did all the axe swinging), and stacked a ton of wood! Between trees our neighbor is taking down this year and some other good contacts, we are finding good hardwood for the wood stove for free!
Changes are in the wind for hubby right now too. He is presently agonizing over another job change in an effort to climb his way back toward what he was making before this crummy economic crisis grabbed us all by the throat. Thinking positive thoughts that whatever happens, it will be for the best!
'Til next time,
Back from the Abyss
It's been difficult to find time and discipline to return to blogging.
My quiet blog in NO way reflects that life has been quiet.
In fact, this has been ...
6 years ago