Friday, March 13, 2009

Frou Frou

The phrase "frou ~ frou" has been in my head for about a week now. I think it best describes many things I absolutely adore! Webster defines it as "A rustling sound, as of silk fabric; Frilly; heavily ornamental; fancy; overly elaborate, particularly as regards clothing." In the craft room this week, frou frou took over and possessed me...well, maybe not overly elaborate, but more than just a touch! LOL! I'm planning on listing these, and hopefully some more handcrafted Easter goodies this Sunday on eBay.

Little patchwork Easter bunny (from my own hand drawn pattern)...

And these cute wooden, painted, distressed, and embellished Easter candy containers

Til next time,



Prim's by Kim said...

Oh Mary those are sweet =D

thanks for stopping by my blog, and for the uplift, which I needed


Anonymous said...

OM Goodness Mary you are doing such wonderful stuff, why am I not surprised, I always love your prims!
